The Inaugural KNP Photo Scavenger Hunt
Kimberley Nature Park Society invites you to participate in the inaugural Photo Scavenger Hunt 2022!
When: April 15 to May 15, 2022
How to participate: Head out to the Nature Park to look for some of the variety of things to be found there. Go in a group, as a family, or by yourself and look for and photograph as many of these life forms as possible:
1. Tree bark
2. 3 different cones
3. A flower or more
4. Wild Animal foot prints
5. A bird or wild animal
6. A Body of water
7. Something that surprised you
Send your photos with your name to By submitting your photos, you give the Kimberley Nature Park permission to use them in the future.
Check the Kimberley Nature Park Society blog or Facebook page to enjoy seeing what others are noticing in the park. Feel free to share with your friends and on your social media!
For privacy, please take and share photos of life forms other than people. We look forward to seeing what you see!