Kimberley Nature Park Society AGM: Jan 23, 2025

Notice of Annual General Meeting
On Thursday, 23 January 2025 at 7pm at the Elks Club in Kimberley, the Board of Directors will be holding the society’s Annual General Meeting. You are cordially invited, and we hope that you will take time to join the meeting and help to elect and establish the Board of Directors for the 2025 operational year. Also, a Special Resolution vote will be called to approve our updated bylaws. See below for more information and links.
The evening will include a short business meeting to vote to approve the new bylaws, year-end financial statement and elect the Board of Directors. After the business meeting, the President will give a short review of the society’s activities during 2024 and our goals for 2025.
We have an exciting guest presentation this year! We have invited Jamie Levine and Janice Strong, who will present Plants Unveiled: Secrets of a Hidden World. The talk and multi-media show will be fun to watch and informative about the world of plants globally and locally. Jamie and Janice have gathered fascinating research from current scientific discoveries from around the world to make this show fascinating and informative.
Call for Nominations to the Board. We welcome new board nominations from the membership. If you would like to nominate someone to stand for election to the board, kindly send their name and contact information to Nominations will close one week before the AGM on January 16, 2025. The candidate and the person who nominates must be KNPS members in good standing.
Desired profile of a KNPS board member: 1) candidates must be capable of attending monthly meetings; 2) willing to read board documents and respond to emails when required; 3) willing and capable of being an active board member, i.e. chair and participate on committees, volunteer for hands-on work outside of meetings. Estimated time commitment: 6 hours per month.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!
Best regards,
Kimberley Nature Park Society

Special Resolution: Move that the 2024 amended KNPS bylaws be adopted as presented.
Background: The KNP board, as part of this year’s Strategic Plan’s focus on governance, chose to update the society’s (2017) bylaws. The language of the existing bylaws is outdated in language use, communication, and is no longer user friendly. These amended bylaws are streamlined, contain gender neutral language and include minor changes as mandated by the revised (2024) BC Societies Act, using a template provided by the government. Reorganization of the amended bylaws has caused headings and numbering to be different from the 2017 bylaws.
Understanding The BC Societies Act in KNPS bylaw changes: There are no significant changes to the 2017 KNPS bylaws. The major change as mentioned is the inclusion of sections as determined by the Societies Act, simplification of governance wording and the board’s authority to eliminate sections that are no longer applicable to the society in 2024. The BC Societies Act contains all the rules and regulations necessary to govern a non-profit and the Act is consulted by the board should further understanding or amendments be needed.
Explanation of Changes: All changes are either suggested or mandated by the BC Societies Act, or otherwise noted.
General Meeting (AGM)
3.3 Notice of Special Business. Included for member information.
3.12 - 3.16 Voting. Clarification of how members vote.
3.17 Clarification on AGM resolutions.
4.2 The bylaws now state members in good standing over the age of 18 can vote at the AGM. The Act suggested stating an age limit if families are routinely members.
4.5 Term of Directors is stated as 2 years. Direction came from the Board. A suggested two-year commitment is needed to understand the work of the society.
4.6 Conflict of Interest section is strongly advised for inclusion by the Societies Act.
Part 5 Directors Meetings
This section has been simplified as per government templates.
Part 6 Board Positions
This section has been simplified and roles updated as per government requirements.
6.8 Electing Directors
The Board included this section to explain the election procedures of directors.
Eliminated from the 2017 Bylaws, as per Societies Act suggestions and templates
a) The use of the Society’s Seal.
b) Borrowing; this section is not applicable. Should the need arise in the future, the Societies Act is
clear in its regulations how non-profits set about borrowing.
c) Auditor; An auditor is not required for the KNPS.