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Dec. 21: Welcoming the Winter Solstice

A person with a headlamp in a dark snowy forest
Photo by Dan Asaki/Unsplash

Saturday, December 21, 2024


End of Forest Crowne Boulevard

Come Welcome the Winter Solstice

Meet at the end of Forest Crowne Boulevard for an outing of about an hour. Dress warmly and bring a warm beverage and a headlamp, flashlight or tea lamp.

You are invited to share a story, poem, or song.

For more information, please email Betty Baker:


Winter Solstice Walk Dec. 21, 2024

Report by Betty Baker

A circle of people gather on snow, holding lights
Photo by Dave Quinn

Marking the longest night of the year, and the turning point towards longer days and more light, 20 of us gathered together at Forest Crowne. Dave Quinn, whose family history in the area goes back 5 generations, shared some interesting memories as well as historical and Indigenous knowledge of the region. We then set out to walk to the St. Mary’s Valley viewpoint atop Sunflower Hill. Some carried candles and lanterns. It was a mild and misty night with sleety snow lightly falling and a waning moon.

We gathered in a circle around the memorial bench at the site. Several shared poems. A favourite was Mary Oliver’s "Snowy Night," which reminds us to be with what is present, and to welcome the winter season.

Then, the Living Room Choir of local singers led us in some bright and cheery songs. A snowball fight between some of the younger participants demonstrated a lighthearted mood. We shared company and friendship before making our way back down the hill.

A circle of people gather on snow, holding lights, with city lights in the background
Photo by Dave Quinn

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