Seeing patterns in nature
The Kimberley Nature Park natural history group met at the campground trailhead Feb. 8 for a hike up Sunflower Hill into the Park’s south end. The theme for this outing was seeing patterns in nature. All of the images in this post were taken by participants – perhaps they provide the most eloquent illustration of what we saw on our hike.

Photo by Jim Duncan
Most of us tend to take seeing for granted. We open our eyes in the morning and voila, we see.

Photo by Sherrin Perrouault
When we stop taking it for granted, however, we often realize how much we see, but do not process. What we see depends on what we know, what we are looking for, and where we choose to focus our eyes.

Photo by Kent Goodwin
Looking for patterns in nature leads to an intentional way of seeing. When we choose to focus on truly seeing the complex patterns in nature, we pay attention in a way that is different from when we are out simply enjoying a walk in the woods, or when we are listening for bird calls, or identifying flowers and trees.

Photo by Birgitta Jansen
When we pause to really see the details, we are rewarded by the intricacy of the patterns.

Photo by Laura Duncan
Photography is another way of focusing our attention. Attempting to create a photographic image of what we see can take us to deeper place of connecting with the wonders of our natural world.

Photo by Birgitta Jansen
The natural history group meets regularly for outings in the Kimberley Nature Park. Contact Laura Duncan ( or Ruth Goodwin ( for more information. Everyone is welcome - and don’t forget to bring your camera.