New Bench on Southwest Passage
Earlier this year, the family of Hilde Kirrmaier approached the Nature Park Society to see if it would be possible to install a bench in the park in her memory. Hilde was an avid hiker and nature enthusiast and frequently hiked in the Nature Park.
The request was considered and approved by the KNPS Board and a couple of sites were considered as possible locations for the bench. The family decided that the Southwest Passage Viewpoint would be ideal and Tyee Log Homes was commissioned to build a bench, based on the design of our existing bench at Eimer's Lake. The bench needed to be sturdy and long-lasting but also light enough to hand-carry up to the viewpoint. Tyee designed the bench so it could be disassembled and transported in pieces and then reassembled on the site.
This week Hilde's family put the bench together at the viewpoint and it now provides a great resting and viewing location for those that enjoy the panoramic view of the St. Mary's Valley. If you knew Hilde, you might want to stop by and remember her in that beautiful setting.

Carrying the pieces of bench toward Southwest Passage.

Assembling the bench at the viewpoint.

Assembling the bench with the view in the background.

The completed bench.

Hilde's family and Hilde's bench.