Welcome To Our New Website
We’ve been working for more than a year to rebuild this site, and we are excited about its potential to inform Kimberley residents and visitors about this wonderful resource in our community. Our goal for the new site was to portray the nature park in a way that garners support for its long-term protection – at 840-hectares, it is the largest municipal park in British Columbia and one of Kimberley’s greatest assets. We also wanted to highlight our mandate of Conservation, Education, and Recreation.
We think you will agree that the new site will help compel Kimberley residents and visitors to utilize the nature park more often, and to make sure they have enough information to do so safely. We’ve provided a wealth of detail about the park’s flora and fauna, history, natural features and geography. In addition to information about the extensive trail network, you will find maps and recommended routes for using the park in summer and winter. In keeping with our Conservation mandate, there are a number of pages devoted to the park’s natural features and history, and there is a section devoted to the Horse Barn Valley Interpretive Forest.
On a more practical note, you can now sign up for a nature park membership online, register as a volunteer, receive our blog postings, see our schedule of events, look up meeting minutes, and see what is being done for interface fire protection.
The new website was designed and deployed by Suite Apps, a local web design company, and was developed with financial assistance from the Kimberley & District Community Foundation, Fortis BC, Columbia Basin Trust, and Telus. We thank Suite Apps and these sponsors for their assistance.