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Blarchmont Hillside Update (Nov. 2008)

This spring and fall, personnel from the Ministry of Forests Initial Attack crews have been carrying out the slash and pile prescription described below in our February update. The crews worked above Eimer's Road in the spring before fire season became active and then returned this fall to the north end of the treatment area after the fire situation cooled down. We estimate that about 1/3 to 1/2 of the 15 hectare area will have been treated this year and expect the crews to be back in the spring to continue. Many of the piles have already been burned, while others await ignition next year. The Kimberley Fire Department has been assisting with the burning and has done some chipping of piles that are close to roads. In one area, above the Overwaitea Hill, fire from the burn piles was allowed to escape in an attempt to reduce surface fuels and duff and some damage to our trails resulted. We hope to tour the site in the spring with the Fire Chief and the City's consultants to discuss what is working and what might need some modification.

Piles of diced trees and  debris ready for burning.

Piles of diced trees and debris ready for burning.

Part of the hillside smoking after the burn.

Part of the hillside smoking after the burn.


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