The Making of a Trail Reroute
You will soon likely see some new trail being built near Romantic Ridge, where Hillside Trail swings up and over it. The KNPS and KTS put...

Watch out for deadly water hemlock
Water hemlock is one of the deadliest poisonous plants in North America. It is important to learn how to identify it visually -- if you...

Those other evergreens
When someone mentions evergreens to me, I usually think of conifer trees. It might be the spire-like subalpine fir I see on the way to...

Seeing patterns in nature
The Kimberley Nature Park natural history group met at the campground trailhead Feb. 8 for a hike up Sunflower Hill into the Park’s south...

The key to identifying plants
The natural history group of the Kimberley Nature Park Society ventured out on Saturday, January 11 to identify some of the shrubs and...