Bugs, Buds and Branches: A Winter Hike, Feb. 18
Welcome to the first Kimberley Nature Park guided hike of 2024! Bugs, Buds and Branches: A Winter's Hike with Sherrin and Betty Sunday,...

Fuel Treatment in the Nature Park
The city will be burning the slash piles from this year's fuels management project in the WISA (Williamson's Sap Sucker) area of the...

You're Invited to the KNPS Annual General Meeting
On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 7pm at the Elks Club in Kimberley, the Board of Directors will be holding the society’s Annual General...

KNP Landscape Photo Documentation Project Update
We all love the Kimberley Nature Park. It provides us with four-season access to appreciate and learn about nature across varied...

Wildlife Camera Update
In May 2022, the Kimberley Nature Park Society Natural History Group started a project with the goal to determine what wildlife is living...