Grade 6 Park Tour
On June 11th, all of the Grade 6 classes at McKim School were treated to a guided ramble along a number of trails in the Nature Park. ...
2012 Pile Burning
The piles built in the fall and winter of 2010 and 2011 have now been successfully burned. First attempts to burn the piles in February...
Repairs to the Army Road/Creek Trail Culvert
This year, the La Nina winter and spring, brought high water and flooding to various parts of the Park. The water rushing down the creek...
2010-2011 Treatment Update
The 2010 treatment prescriptions were carried out in the last half of 2010 and the first quarter of 2011. Two contracting crews were...
2011 Treatment Prescriptions
We are now in the process of reviewing the first two of 21 proposed treatment prescriptions (see maps below). You can download the .pdf...