Geology Hike
We had an amazing turnout again this year for the Geology Hike in Horse Barn Valley - 43 people! Thanks again to geologist Ralph Rudser...

Fall Fungus Frenzy
We had one of the best turnouts ever for a KNPS monthly event on Oct. 5th as Bill Olmsted led a mushroom walk through Horse Barn Valley....

Williamson's Sapsucker Habitat Area
The Ministry of Environment has formally established a 72.8 hectare Wildlife Habitat Area (WHA) inside the Nature Park for the...

Sept. 10th 2007 Fire Workshop Report
On September 10th the City of Kimberley convened the third and final workshop to discuss the interface fire situation on the west side of...

Bear Den Discovered
KNPS volunteers recently discovered a small black bear hibernating in a cavity in a large poplar tree near Jimmy Russell Road. Below are...