The Sunflower Hill Chronicles, Part 3: The Turning
By Birgitta Jansen March 20, 2022 As I set out on Campground Trail, I stop for a moment to look up at the sky. Thick, heavy cumulus...

Pipsissewa: A well-connected evergreen
Just about anywhere you walk in the Nature Park, you will likely run in to patches of Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata). This small,...

The Inaugural KNP Photo Scavenger Hunt
Kimberley Nature Park Society invites you to participate in the inaugural Photo Scavenger Hunt 2022! When: April 15 to May 15, 2022 How...

The Sunflower Hill Chronicles, Part 2: Landscape in Waiting
By Birgitta Jansen March 11, 2022 The Campground Trail parking area is still thickly snow-covered when I arrive on March 11, 2022, so I...

The Sunflower Hill Chronicles, Part 1: Promise of Spring
By Birgitta Jansen March 5, 2022 It was my first Sunflower Hill hike since last fall. The noon-time sun shone brightly in a cerulean sky,...